- New! 9/11 Searchable Information Center- In support of the 10th anniversary of September 11, ebrary is offering open access to a collection of relevant e-books through September
- East Texas Baptist University’s Bible Study Guide Commentary Series - Includes a growing selection of Bible commentaries and study aids in English, Russian, and other languages
- Breast Cancer Searchable Information Center – Includes authoritative fact sheets, posters, and other materials resulting from collaboration between librarians at ebrary and other organizations
- Cyber Bullying Searchable Information Center – Includes e-books from leading publishers subsidized by ebrary
- Natural Disaster and Extreme Weather Searchable Information Center
- Library and KM Center – Includes e-books from leading publishers subsidized by ebrary. Also includes a collection from Dr. Allen McKiel, Dean of Library and Media Services at Western Oregon University including his book Beyond tolerance: religion and global community
- H1N1 (Influenza) Searchable Information Center
- Many others to be added soon!